Sunday, January 30, 2011

From CNN: How Technology Is Impacting Egypt

I thought this video would be interesting our class since we are talking about technology's impact on culture.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Uploaded Slides from Tuesday's Discussion

Here is the link to download yesterday's slides:

Dene Grigar

Friday, January 14, 2011

Impacts: From Self to World

Students, in light of our discussion about cultural practices, I thought you may like to think about this concept about how we move from self to the world.  Ben brought up the idea of child brides as an example of a cultural practice common to people from one part of the world that challenges current beliefs about capabilities and duties of children in our country.  We are made aware of these differences because of the very fact that we function today––thanks to technologies of media and transportation––beyond the oikos (the home/family/tribe) in the larger realms of the polis (town/state/country) and cosmos (the world at large).  Modifying ideas and views makes it possible to function more readily without conflict.  While this means some customs (nomos) may not be accepted in these larger realms and so must be reevaluated for their sustainability, it does not necessarily mean the end of culture.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thursday's Homework

You may wonder what Plato has to do with diversity, mush less <i>digital</i>.  And you may also wonder how his story of the cave written at about 380 BC connects with the violence aimed at Rodney King in 1991.  What I will be getting at in our talk is that idea that there is a philosophical framework in place, suggested in Plato's Republic that allows for bias against those different from us.  So, here is the "Hint of the Day":  Try to suss out from Plato's dialogue what may provide the grounding for today's problems with accepting others different from ourselves.